Mission, Texas- A short film written and produced by Mission High School students is advancing in the state UIL Young Filmmakers competition. As of today, the film titled “Lilith” has made the quarter-finals. State semi-finalists will be announced on February 9, and state finalists on February 18. The films advancing to the state finalist round will be screened at the state festival to be held on March 2, at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, Texas.
The MHS project is competing in the narrative category of films. Entries in this category need to be 3-7 minutes in length and original works created by the students. Lilith is a story about a young woman haunted by her past. The cast consists of: Itzel Flores, Lilith; Briana Archer, other woman; Alexa Flores, young Lilith; Brandon Ramirez, boyfriend; Alex Salas, orderly; Fern Hernandez, mother. Production credits: Itzel Flores, director; Briana Archer, co-director; Rocio Osorio, editor; Bianca De La Rosa, scriptwriter; Mark Ramos, cameraman; Diego Marquez, screenwriter; Luana Sanchez, makeup artist; Marco Flores, location scout; film sponsor, Adrian Guerrero.
The film can be viewed online at, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSwyNsMbv80.
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