Mission CISD receives communications awards


            Mission, Texas- The Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) Public Relations Department has received several 2015 Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) Star Awards for excellence in school communications. The awards were announced at the TSPRA Star Awards Celebration held during the organization’s annual conference at Horseshoe Bay, Texas.

            Each year, TSPRA recognizes school communicators for outstanding work in both print and electronic media. Entries are judged by Texas public relations, marketing, video production, and graphics professionals using a standard set of evaluation criteria based on current professional industry standards. This year, more than 1,100 entries were received.

            A special billboard created to recognize a regional teacher of the year 3-peat not only earned a Gold Star Award, but was also selected as Best in Category.

            The Mission CISD Public Relations Department also received three other Gold Star Awards, four Silver Star Awards and a Bronze Star Award. Gold Star Awards were given for the special Remember the 21 Ceremony held at Alton Memorial Jr. High School (and planned with AMJH staff), college acceptance letter posters, and a college/career prep leader billboard. Silver Star Awards were given for: newspapers ads created for Texas Citrus Fiesta, Football season, leading the way promotion, and the printed program for the Remember the 21 Ceremony. The Bronze Star Award was given for the Career Technical Education Curriculum Bulletin.

Bronze, Silver, and Gold Stars are awarded based on set criteria. Finally, the judges review their highest scoring gold Star winners and select a Best of Category for each division, in each of the 44 categories. Mission CISD competes in the 10,000-30,000 student district division. Of the over 1,100 entries this year, judges awarded one Platinum Award, three Platinum Certificates of Merit, seven Crystal Commendations, 17 Crystal Certificates of Merit, 108 Best of Categories, 496 Gold Stars, 365 Silver Stars, and 211 Bronze Stars. Since TSPRA members enter only their best work, it is not uncommon for there to be very few entries that do not earn any type of award.

            A special college awareness project created by the Mission CISD Public Relations Department was honored with a special Professional Award. The Picture YourSelfie At College project was recognized as the 2016 Bright Idea Award winner. The Bright Idea Award goes to the TSPRA member (Craig Verley, Mission CISD Director of Public Relations) for outstanding ideas, strategies, projects or programs designed to promote education in Texas through effective communications. To be considered for the award, the entry must be creative, unusual, effective, and adaptable. The Picture YourSelfie At College project drew upon selfies taken by recent Mission CISD graduates somewhere at the college or university they are currently attending. These were combined with quotes about their college experiences into a graphic made to resemble a popular social media posting. These graphics were then used to create posters for the schools to display, and for use through the district’s social media accounts.

              TSPRA is a nonprofit, professional organization dedicated to promoting public schools through effective communications. TSPRA, an award winning chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA)was chartered in 1962 and incorporated in 1977. With more than 850 members, TSPRA is comprised primarily of public information and communications professionals who serve the public school districts and education organizations of Texas. The membership also includes superintendents, administrators, principals, we/technology/electronic media and graphic professionals, education foundation executive directors and their boards, association executive directors, school consultants, vendors and others who support public education in the state. TSPRA provides professional development, resources, and networking opportunities for members and others in the education community.

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