Mission, Texas- Students in the Veterans Memorial High School FFA Chapter have been busy raising and working on projects for the big area livestock shows. Two of those shows along that preparation trail are the Rio Grande Valley District FFA Show and the VMHS FFA Alumni Livestock Show. VMHS students earned quite a few honors at both events.
Students earning some sort of champion status at the Rio Grande Valley District FFA show with their projects included: Zenaida Alaniz, grand champion market lamb; Javier Martinez, reserve grand champion market hog; Zenaida Alaniz, champion medium wool market lamb; Javier Martinez, champion light cross market hog; Alexandra Sallinas, champion light weight market goat; Zenaida Alaniz, reserve champion senior lamb showman.
Other top place finishers at the RGV District show include-
Market steer division: Miranda Farias, fifth place; Randy Ruiz, sixth place. Market hog division: Joey Farias, first place, Kaitlyn Ramirez, first place; Marco Diaz, third place; Alejandra Esquivel, fourth place; Zenaida Alaniz, fifth place; Kyana Vela, fifth place; Maria Cavazos, fourth place. Market goat division: Jorge Salinas, second place. Market lamb division: Samantha Diaz, second place; Isabella Farias, fifth place. Breeding cattle division: Christina Reyna, fifth place.
the Veterans Memorial FFA Alumni Livestock Show brings the entire VMHS FFA family together for what was a successful event. The results for this show follows.
Market hog division: Javier Martinez, grand champion; Marky Diaz, reserve grand champion; Javier Martinez, champion showman; Mark Diaz, reserve champion showman. Joey Farias, breed champion Duroc; Daniel Mungia, breed champion hampshire; Alejandra Esquivel, reserve champion Hampshire; J.R. Martinez, third place; Kaitlyn Ramirez, breed champion light OPB; Klarissa Farias, breed champion dark OPB; marky Diaz, breed champion York; Andrea Garza, reserve champion York; Edgar Villarreal, first place light weight; Javier Martinez, breed champion LT Cross; Randy Ruiz, reserve champion LT Cross; Kyana Vela, first place light weight; Isabella Farias, second place light weight; Sophia Ponce De Leon, breed champion Dark Cross; Chloe Acosta reserve champion Dark Cross.
Market goat division: Zenaida Alaniz, grand champion; Alexandra Salinas, reserve grand champion; Isaac Rodriguez, champion showman; Jorge Salinas, reserve champion showman; Alexandra Salinas, champion light weight; Zenaida Alaniz, champion heavy weight; Jorge Salinas, reserve champion heavy weight; Isaac Rodriguez, third place.
Market lamb division: Isabella Farias, grand champion; Marcus Cordova, reserve grand champion; Marcus Cordova, champion showman; Christina Reyna, reserve champion showman; Isabella Farias, breed champion South Down; Christina Reyna, reserve breed champion South Down; Marcus Cordova, breed champion medium wool.
Market steer division: Miranda Farias, grand champion; Marcus Cordova, reserve grand champion; Miranda Farias, champion showman; Randy Ruiz, reserve champion showman; Miranda Farias, breed champion American Breed Cross; Marcus Cordova, reserve breed champion America Breed Cross; Randy Ruiz, third place.
Breeding cattle division: Christina Reyna, grand champion heifer and champion commercial ABC heifer.
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