Mission, Texas- As a part of their warm up to the larger livestock shows, quite a few members of the Mission High School (MHS) FFA Chapter participated in the Second Annual Mission High School FFA Belt Buckle Show. Those earning championship status for their projects, received special championship belt buckles.
Pictured from left to right are: Nelida Garza, champion fine wool lamb and reserve grand champion overall pig; Rudy Salazar, champion Hampshire pig; Amelia Perez, champion Yorkshire pig; Marco Garcia, grand champion goat overall; Rebeckah Nolan, champion south down lamb; Alan Hinojosa, reserve grand champion overall cross lamb; Ariana Pena, grand champion overall medium wool lamb; Sebastian Carrillo, champion OPB pig; Amanda Granados, grand champion overall Brahman heifer; Jacob Flores, grand champion overall market steer; Christopher Venecia, grand champion overall dark cross pig.
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