MHS FBLA students advance to national competitions

            Mission, Texas- Two students from the Mission High School (MHS) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter are advancing to national competitions  based upon their performance at the recent Texas FBLA State Leadership Conference held in Houston, Texas.The FBLA National Leadership Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia in June.

            Yvette Cazares placed fourth in the Word Processing competition. This event consists of two parts: a one-hour exam consisting of objective-type questions related to the application knowledge of word processing concepts, and a one-hour production test. Cazares was also named Who’s Who in Texas FBLA.

            Gerardo Hernandez placed fourth in the Database Design competition. This event consists of two parts: a one-hour online exam consisting of objective-type questions related to the applications knowledge of database design and application concepts, and a one-hour production test.

            A total of eight members of the MHS FBLA competed at the state level. The members were: Diego Bustillos, Rebeca Gomez, Ja Reta-Cordoba, Dante Rodriguez, Marco Silva, and Pedro Silva.

            FBLA is a national organization for high school students preparing for careers in business occupations.

            Picture are Yvette Cazares and Gerardo Hernandez with their awards received at the Tecxs FBLA State Leadership Conference.
