VMHS cosmetology students earn top prizes for job exhibits

            Mission, Texas- Cosmetology students from Veterans Memorial High School recently returned from the state SkillsUSA competitions in Corpus Christi with quite a few ribbons. In the area of job exhibits, 32 students earned first place. Two others earned second place.

            Students earning first place were: Korayma Alba, Laura Arellano, Andrea Benavides, Jose Castaneda, Samantha Cuellar, Emily Dominguez, Karla Ferro, Kimberly Garcia, Ayla Gonzalez, Jazmin Lara, Bryanna Melendez, Klarissa Melendez, Kayla Montelongo, Marina Ochoa Lopez, Jazmin Padilla, Giselle Trevino, Judith Adame, Nicole Del Bosque, Nathalie Duran, Rebecca Garza, Amanda Guerrero, Alejandra Martinez, Jocely Moreno, Lorena Olea, Alexandra Perez, San Juana Rocha Escobedo, Karla Salazar, Norma Salgado, Katherine Sanchez, Vanessa Sierra, Aimee Villarreal, Esmeralda Villarreal.

            Students earning second place for their job exhibits were Aimee Morales and Amvil Martinez.

            Pictured are the VMHS students at the recent SkillsUSA competition.

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