MJH students place at the top of state Math/Science competition


            Mission, Texas- Students from Mission Jr. High School (MJH) recently traveled to compete in the Texas Math Science Coaches Association state contest. Two of the school’s teams placed in the top three and two students are state champions in their grade levels.

            Sixth grader Sebastian Torres, and seventh grader Maielah Davis each placed first in their Calculator Applications competitions to become state champions.

            The MJH Calculator Applications team placed second out of 63 school competing. Those team members are: Maielah Davis, Luis Chavez, Damian Gonzalez, Ariana Gonzalez.

            The MJH Science team placed third out of 63 schools. Those team members are: Rodrigo Duran, Damian Gonzalez, Brianna Diaz, Paul McCoy.

            Other top placing individuals include: Luis Chavez, eighth grade tenth place (tie), Calculator Applications; Damian Gonzalez, eighth grade tenth place (tie), Calculator Applications; Lucas Dovalina, seventh grade seventeenth place, Science; Damian Gonzalez, eighth grade fourth place, Science; Rodrigo Moran, eighth grade ninth place, Science; Paul McCoy, thirteenth place eighth grade, Science; Briana Diaz, eighth grade fourteenth place, Science.

            Pictured are state champions in calculators, Sebastian Torres, Maielah Davis. Also pictured are members of the Science and Calculator Applications teams. 

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