Mission CISD elementary schools participated in the UT-RGV Border Health Student Enrollment and Education (SEEP) Program. This is a special awareness program that educates elementary students about the risk factors of and complications from diabetes in the hopes that they share the message with the families. The students were also encouraged to have their parents complete a questionnaire and bring it back. The data is used by UT-RGV for its programs and research in combating the disease. The campus with the best participation in the program was to receive a Microsoft X-Box gaming system with a Just Dance 2015 DVD for campus use. Three elementary schools had 100% of their students participate. They were Marcell Elementary School, Salinas Elementary School, and Waitz Elementary School. As the tie breaker, Superintendent Ricardo López randomly drew a name of a school. Marcell Elementary School was drawn as the winner. Pictured here are the fourth grade students from Marcell Elementary School after they received their prize for campus use.