Mission, Texas- A new state grant will allow Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) the opportunity to fast-track an instructional transformation for its Pre-K classrooms. The Texas Education Agency has awarded Mission CISD the High Quality Pre-Kindergarten Grant. The district is to receive $297,314 this first year of the grant and then an estimated $565,504 the following year.
The grant money is to be used primarily for the purchase and implementation of instructional technology. While computers and tablets have been a part of Mission CISD Pre-K classrooms for many years, this will increase the availability of the latest technology for their use. One of the main items will be computer driven displays commonly known as Smartboards.
“It is our goal to make sure the Pre-K classrooms not only reflect 21st Century learning environments, but also provide our teachers with training to make the best use of the technology with their students,” said Francisca Sanchez, executive director for elementary education. “The foundation laid in our Pre-K classrooms is so important to the future success of those students. We welcome this opportunity to take our classrooms and instruction to the next level.”
Sanchez says the district is in the process of purchasing the technology with plans to have it all in place by the end of the first six weeks of school.
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