Online and social media activity in recent weeks has brought a heightened awareness to officials throughout the country, and here in Mission CISD, regarding the viral nature of items that are viewed as possible threats. We are doing everything possible to not only keep our students safe, but are continually looking at ways to improve. Some of the more recent improvements include the increased use of security cameras, adding security guards to all our elementary schools, the continued presence of police officers and security guards at our junior high schools and high schools. Mission CISD officials are continuing to work closely with our local law enforcement agencies in doing everything possible to be proactive in ensuring our children are provided safe learning environments. You and your child play a key role in continuing to keep our schools safe as well! Please take a moment to speak with your child about the importance of reporting anything suspicious or threatening to their teacher, principal, or other adult on campus. Mission CISD also has a tip line called the Stay Alert hotline that can be used for reporting anonymously. You can call or text, 1-206-406-6485, or report online through, You can also use email to, [email protected].
Thank you for continuing to help keep our schools safe places of learning, and rest assured we are always working to provide for the safest schools possible.
Thank you,
Ricardo Lopez, Ed.D
The superintendent has also shared a personal video message through the district’s YouTube channel,