Mission CISD ranks in regional top ten for academic achievement distinctions

            Mission, Texas- Each year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) releases accountability ratings for schools and districts, as well as some additional honors that schools can earn called Distinctions. The Distinctions recognize academic achievements beyond the basic ratings assigned to each school and district. Elementary schools can earn six Distinctions, while junior high schools and high schools can earn up to seven Distinctions. In a comparison of the 43 school districts and charter school systems in the Region One Education Service Center area, Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) ranked in the top ten when looking at the percentage of schools earning all possible Distinctions. The Region One area includes the traditional Rio Grande Valley area, up through schools in Zapata and Jim Hogg counties.

            “This speaks very well about how our students are performing on the state exams,” said Cris Valdez, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction. “We already knew our students are performing as well or better than most in the region. This comparison confirms it.”

            Nineteen percent of Mission CISD schools earned all the Distinctions they qualify for. Distinctions can be earned for academic achievement in Reading/ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science. They are also earned for top 25% student progress, top25% closing performance gaps, and postsecondary readiness.

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