Getting girls interested in STEM

Pearson Elementary School has brought back something this school year aimed at increasing girls’ interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) related areas. The GirlStart program is back for a second year after a successful first run last year. The program walks the girls in grades 4-5 through various activities and lessons to help them understand and explore STEM-related topics. Traditionally, the national STEM-related workforce has been a more male dominant area. Through programs like this, Mission CISD schools are hoping to change that by capturing girls’ interests at an earlier age. GirlStart is designed to foster the girls’ interest in STEM electives, majors, and careers.

Pictured are some of the Pearson Elementary School GirlStart participants showing parents their projects recently. This gives the students the opportunity to show their parents what they have been learning and builds their personal confidence in their lessons. Pearson currently has about 20 girls participating in the after school program and is the only district school currently in partnership with GirlStart.