Dear Mission CISD Family,
Thank you for all you do to unlock the dreams of all children. Parents, I thank you for entrusting your children’s education to us; I appreciate that you have a choice, and we don’t take it lightly that you choose Mission CISD. Staff, as you prepare to head out for the winter break, I thank you for the countless hours you devote to preparing rigorous lessons that challenge our students to reach their individual potential. Our mission is to provide students the necessary academic, social, physical, and technological knowledge and skills to become successful lifelong learners and productive citizens. This statement is more than words to hang on a wall. At Mission CISD, we don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk. We look at your child as a whole person and strive to provide opportunities for him, or her, to develop in all areas, some of which cannot be measured with numbers.
Still, we do remain accountable based on numbers, and beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, the state public school academic accountability system will change to an assignment of A-F rating labels to describe district and campus performance. While we are on winter break, you may see the Texas Education Agency (TEA) release “mock ratings” for the 2015-2016 school year that districts and campuses would have received for Domains I-IV if the A-F rating system had been in place.
Excellence is not a destination you reach with a grade. Excellence at Mission CISD is a continuous process of self-improvement: as individuals, and as professionals. That is what we hope to instill in your children. An F is not a definite judgment of failure and an A is not a finish line that allows you to rest and stop striving for higher levels.
In reviewing the mock scores for districts and schools in January, I urge you to take the information as an additional evaluation tool on top of what you see throughout the school year, and on top of the success your child experiences every day.
As we transition to the new accountability system, I encourage you to ask questions, and to have public discussions about how the A-F ranking labels are being determined and whether they accurately represent the education taking place in the classroom every day. Mission CISD is a family and we need your support of public schools and of our teachers. Together, we can lead your children to unlock their dreams.
In this first semester, our students have won championships, had historic winning seasons, been recognized as best in class band students, won numerous robotics competitions, and have been enshrined in the US Congressional reports. Indeed, we have a fabulous district.
In Mission CISD, we are fueled by faith, by hope, and by the belief in each other and our students. I look forward to a successful second semester. Enjoy the remainder of the winter break with family and loved ones. We will be ready to greet your children back in class January 9, 2017.
Ricardo Lopez, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
Mission CISD