KWJH Takes Two of Four 1st Places Spots at TCEA Robotics Competition

January 25, 2017­– The K. White Junior High (KWJH) metal Hawks had an outstanding showing this past Saturday at the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) Robotics Competition taking two of the four first place spots. Student teams compete in four categories in which they can design and create a Lego robot that enters an arena and completes various challenges or create an invention to solve a problem of their choice.

The TangoHawk team secured their spot at the state competition with their 1st place win in the Intermediate Inventions category, as well as the AlphaHawk team that won 1st place in the Advanced Arena. The SierrraHawk team won 3rd place in the Intermediate Inventions category and may still be eligible to receive an invitation to the state competition. The AlfaHawk team placed 2nd at state in 2015. Below is the complete list of teams and students who placed at the competition.

The robotics program is part of a district emphasis on promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) across all campuses. Mission CISD accounted for nearly a third of the teams at the TCEA competition.

Intermediate Arena:

4th Place: VictorHawk

            Robert Buzo (Captain)

            Ismael Alvarado

            Hugo Mireles

5th Place: DeltaHawk

            Andy Rodriguez (Captain)

            Miguel Velazquez

            David Olguin

9th Place: EchoHawk

            Anthony Flores (Captain)

            Marc Gonzalez

            Eric Calderon


Intermediate Inventions:

1st Place: TangoHawk

            Fatima Mendiola (Captain)

            Danilee Alaniz

            Alma Gomez

            Jordan Hernandez

3rd Place: SierraHawk

            Alinah Hernandez (Captain)

            Dalilah Trevino

            Maritza Moreno

            Nathan Cavazos

Advanced Arena:

1st Place: AlphaHawk

            Zhi Huang (Captain)

            Eric Elizondo

            Jose Sauceda


Pending Results in Advanced Arena:


            Iris Sustaita (Captain)

            Ryan Reyes

            Jaclyn Ornelas

            Jorge Salinas


            Lisa Garza (Captain)

            Andres Cantu

            Daniel Villalobos
