MCISD Awarded 2017 Annual TASB Risk Management Fund Excellence Award

Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) was selected by TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) as the recipient of the 2017 Annual TASB Risk Management Fund Excellence Award.  The District was publicly recognized and awarded $1,000 at the annual membership luncheon on April 24 in Austin. 

This award was established by the TASB Risk Management Fund Board of Trustees to showcase the variety of excellence in risk management solutions that fund members implement every day. The $1,000 honorarium was awarded to be used toward any risk management effort in the district.
Pictured, from left, Cynthia Garza-O’Caña, Employee Benefits Clerk; Yvonne C. Salas, Employee Benefits Clerk; Sylvia Cruz, Director for Risk Management/Employee Benefits; and Veronica Garcia, Workers’ Compensation & Safety Manager.