District Strategic Planning Update

 Mission CISD has begun a Strategic Planning process to look forward and plan strategically for our collective future. Strategic planning engages our community in defining the measurable outcomes for achieving our vision of “Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.



So far, we have offered opportunities for stakeholders to provide input to a plan that represents our greatest strengths and taps our incredible potential. We have:

  • Collaboratively planned the key activities for the process.
  • Hosted a kick-off event with the District Educational Improvement Committee introduced over 50 people to the planning process in Mission CISD.
  • Engaged groups of students, parents, employees, leaders, community partners, our Board of Education, and teachers to discuss how they would define our vision, what’s working well in Mission CISD, and what could be improved. Nearly 100 people representing all levels of schools and departments participated in this process.
  • Invited parents and families, all employees, and students in select grades to participate in anonymous, online surveys for additional feedback. Over 1000 parents and more than 1000 employees participated in the surveys so far.
  • The Superintendent’s Cabinet has reviewed feedback from the focus group process to identify 4 strategic pillars for achieving excellence and the measures we might use as evidence of our success. Our pillars to support success are likely to include: College & Career Readiness, Our Team, Service to our Families & Community, and Efficient Operations.



In the next 30 days, here’s what the community can expect:

  • We will receive and analyze results from the stakeholder feedback surveys administered by Studer Education.
  • With support from our Studer Education℠ coach, we will identify how stakeholders would define success in Mission CISD and what areas of strength and areas for improvement should be included in our strategic plan.
  • On May 23, we will gather the District Educational Improvement Committee, our Cabinet leaders, and focus group participants to review the initial draft strategic plan and to revise and modify it to best represent our future in Mission CISD.

