Mission CISD Reads off to a strong start

            Mission, Texas- The Mission CISD Reads project was a first of its kind effort when it launched in May. Mission CISD Reads brought together the Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD), with the cities of Alton, Mission, and Palmhurst to provide unlimited access to a vast digital library for the three communities.

            Through the use of the myON online system, community members have access to digital books on any electronic device with internet access (computer, tablet, smartphone). There are sections for English readers and Spanish readers. The system is also designed to help the struggling reader improve their reading skills and comprehension.

            District and myON officials have looked at the statistics from the summer and are excited by the level of participation so far. From May 31, 2017- August 31, 2017, students and community members read a total of 10,420 books, and opened another 16,255. They spent a total of 147,000 minutes reading,

            “One of the main reasons why we chose to roll out the Mission CISD Reads project in May was to be able to have the myON digital library as a resource for our students to be able to continue reading during the summer, and that helps fight the traditional summer slide,” said Dr. Ricardo López, superintendent of schools. “Not only do the statistics show strong use of myON during the summer, but also by the communities at large. Over 3.200 books were read using the main community logins provided.”

            Dr. López also indicated that the district plans to continue to build upon the momentum by reaching out to community partners to help spread the word about the free digital library, and to help show groups how useful a tool it can be for struggling readers in both English and Spanish. He said the district is working on building the literacy levels in the community while also building a community of readers.

            There are currently two community logins for myON.  Residents in the Alton area area asked to use the following to access myON,–  school name: Alton Reads; username: alton; password: reads. All other Mission CISD residents will access myON using, school name: Mission CISD Reads; username: mission; password: reads. A third login designation for Palmhurst is coming soon.

Mission CISD elementary and junior high school students are asked to use their school logins to access myON.com.

There is also an app for myON available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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