Mission CISD Students Participate in TCF Shoe Box Float Competition

Mission, Texas- Mission CISD students recently participated in the Texas Citrus Fiesta (TCF) Shoe Box Float competition. Students from throughout the district created their shoe box floats and prepared them to be judged. They had to follow certain criteria and incorporate this year's theme "Hawaiian Pirate Adventures." The following students were the individuals that placed in the competition;

4th Grade Division

1st Place- Mia Isavella Ayala- Midkiff Elementary ($100)

2nd Place- Jordin Vasquez- Bryan Elementary ($75)

3rd Place- Victoria Mya Solis- Bryan Elementary ($50)

5th Grade Division

1st Place- Guillermo Luna, Jr.- Bryan Elementary ($100)

2nd Place- Jose Erasto Luna- Bryan Elementary ($75)

3rd Place- Gilbert Perez- Bryan Elementary ($50)

The winning floats will be displayed at Speer Memorial Library for one year while all other floats will be displayed at the Fun Fair on January 27, 2018. The floats at the Fun Fair may be taken home at the end of the event or may be picked up at the Speer Memorial Library from January 29th-February 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Congratulations to all the participants in this event.
