Veterans Memorial High School Robotics team members visited Bryan Elementary on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 to talk to the students about robotics. Briana Renee Diaz, VMHS Patriots Engineering Captain, conducted the presentation along with her team members that were on hand to help students with an activity. Students were separated into various groups and given 10 sheets of paper and scotch tape. Their assignment was to build the tallest structure they could with the items provided.
“The overall goal is to get students interested not only in the STEM field but also to pursue robotics with FIRST and help them grow not only as a person but also as part of a team,” said Diaz. “This program started last year when I was a freshman and this is when I decided to get involved because I saw an opportunity for me, I would like to pursue a career in the STEM field after high school.”
This program is about more than just building robots it’s a program that provides life experience and opportunities. It is about team members establishing connections, learning to work with other people like you would in the industry, it models a real-world engineering process and many other skills students can acquire while participating in FIRST robotics.
These are all points that were covered while Diaz made her presentation to 5th grade students at the campus. Bryan Elementary is not the only campus that Patriots Engineering has visited, they have gone to various others throughout the district in an effort of giving students a glimpse of the robotics world.