Update on security at VMHS

Due to the continuation of social media chatter regarding rumors of a threat at Veterans Memorial High School, Mission CISD is continuing to have a heightened security status at the campus. There are no credible threats at this time.

Mission CISD officials are continuing to work closely with law enforcement to address continued rumors that appear to be spread through social media channels. We stress there are no credible threats to any Mission CISD campus at this time.

Law enforcement officials report the individual of interest that seems to be the focus of the recent rumors has been in custody during the entire time of the responses this week, and was in jail even before any issues began. Law enforcement officials also tell us this individual is still in jail. 

This week has presented the district and our law enforcement partners with a number of response related challenges. Discussions and planning processes addressing concerns are underway and changes are already taking place. Mission CISD officials will continue this learning and improvement process with each national, state, and regional incident. Main points will always include campus access, surveillance, responses, and staff training. Details of less visible security measures will never be discussed publicly as that would actually put our students and staff at risk.

We also ask for the help of parents. Take this opportunity to speak with your children to reinforce the importance of reporting any information that could impact student safety. Spreading rumors through social media only complicates things. Concerns and threats should be reported immediately. Reports can be made to campus administration or through our Stay Alert Hotline, 1-206-406-6485, online through www.stayalert.info, or email at [email protected].
