Leal Elementary Librarian, Beth Adkins, was the 2017 Education Foundation Grant recipient and with her award money she wanted to do something that would impact her students. She officially started the Leal Book Club and for the first meeting they had an event called “A Blind Date with a Book.”
Adkins purchased 4 books to start the book club and couldn’t decide which book to start with first. She wrapped all four books up in brown paper bags and attached a review of the book in the front, so the students could read them. The students were able to discuss what they thought about the books, which one the piqued their curiosity, took all of that into consideration and then voted.
“They had a great time and were extremely excited about the book, A Wrinkle in Time, which had the most votes,” stated Beth Adkins, Librarian.
The Leal Book Club will function as follows, students will read the book on their own and then meet in 3 weeks- time to discuss the book. They will sit and talk about the book. What they liked and didn’t like, their favorite part and least favorite part, and more. Students will then participate in activity that coincides with the book. Students will conclude with an activity for A Wrinkle in Time, they will work on a book trailer in order to convince other students to read the book instead of watching the movie.
The campus Librarian Beth Adkins is extremely thankful for the grant that she received from the MCISD Education Foundation because it has allowed her to buy books for all the students in the book club.