Athletic Trainers work as part of a team of healthcare professionals, under the direction of a board certified physician. They are experts whom work to prevent and treat musculoskeletal injuries and sports-related illnesses in athletes. Athletic Trainers should not be confused with personal trainers or “trainers” who focus solely on fitness and conditioning. Always refer to an “athletic trainer” or “AT” to ensure clarity of profession and quality of care.
Athletic trainers save lives. Sports injuries can be serious and life threatening if not recognized and properly managed. ATs are equipped to treat acute injuries on the spot and help manage these critical health issues.
The athletic trainer is the health care system for athletes. Athletic trainers are present when injuries occur and provide immediate care; they rehabilitate patients after injuries or surgery. They know their patients well because they are at the school every day.
Mission High School has two Nationally Certified and Texas State Licensed Athletic Trainers, Irving Alday and Lori Armendariz.
Kim Reynolds is a Nationally Certified and Texas State Licensed Athletic Trainer that serves K-White and Alton Memorial junior highs.
Anthony Saenz is a Texas State Licensed Athletic Trainer that serves Cantu and Mission junior highs.
Veterans Memorials High School has two Nationally Certified and Texas State Licensed Athletic Trainers, Tim Ferren and Amanda Leal.