Bryan Elementary and Cantu Elementary both had the highest "Average Word Count" for their 3rd graders from February 1st to March 1st on Renaissance Learning (Accelerated Reader test skills). These two campuses had a special visit from the Gladys Porter Zoo community outreach program on Tuesday, March 27, 2018.
Jaime Zepeda, Community Outreach Coordinator, from the Glady’s Porter Zoo brought along a few friends to meet the students at Bryan Elementary and Cantu Elementary. Students were so excited to meet Regi the female tarantula, Samson the python, Scabbie the tortoise, and Mango, a sun conner, that likes his peanuts.
Zepeda gave students some information on each of the animals on how much they grow, foods they like to eat, how they defend themselves, and much more. The students even had the opportunity to pet one of the animals. Bryan Elementary voted between Samson and Scabbie the majority chose Samson. Cantu Elementary also took a vote as well and they too chose Samson.
Congratulations to these two schools for their reading endeavors and the following information gives you a total count of how many words were read. All the elementary schools read a total of 195, 234,624 words from February 1st through March 1st. That is an average of 171,129.24 words per student! Those are some awesome reading skills!