Mission High School students earn their Substitute Certification at Region One ESC. The ten students are under the direction of Ms. Deanna Vallejo, Family and Consumer Science teacher. She teaches four different courses that fall under the Education and Training endorsement. Students who successfully pass all the classes that are required are eligible to become substitute teachers for MCISD.
The training is two days at Region One and funding comes from the Career and Technical Education department. Once students have completed all the courses through Family and Consumer Science and the training required, certified substitutes may begin working at an elementary campus as a substitute teacher.
The students work by a rotation schedule and work with Cantu Elementary, Bryan Elementary, Alton Memorial Jr. High, and Kenneth White Jr. High. They also participate in the Barbara Bush Teen Trendsetter mentoring program at Cantu Elementary, Castro Elementary, Marcell Elementary, and O’Grady Elementary. In addition, they also work on a variety of campus events coordinated through the Special Education department.