Mission High School’s Criminal Justice program hosted its first ever Armament Systems and Procedures (ASP) Baton Certification Course on Saturday, April 28, 2018. A total of 21 students were certified in Baton Tactics. This course prepares law enforcement students in the basic baton striking and defensive tactics widely used by law enforcement agencies nationwide.
In addition, 34 students were certified in the Level II Security Certification the previous Saturday, April 21, 2018. MHS Criminal Justice teachers Mr. Frank Rios and Mr. Bernardo Acosta would like to thank Instructor Mr. Natividad Guerrero for his instruction and expertise.
Congratulations to the following students for receiving their ASP Baton certification: Cesar Adame, Arif Aguilera Sosa, Alan Briones Alvarez, Bryan Casados, Zachary Clemons, Tiffany Espinosa, Sabrina Flores, Alejandro Garay, Craig Garcia, Noevelyn Garza, Alyssa Gauna, Mark Gonzalez, Yaretzi Gonzalez, Andrea Macias, Ramiro Marquez, Jesus Molina, Nancy Olvera, Enoch Perez, Ashley Sanchez, Juan Sandoval, Delilah Santos and Lizbeth Villarreal.
Congratulations to the following students for receiving their Level II Security Officer certification: Cesar Adame, Arif Aguilera Sosa, Jaime Beltran, Alan Briones Alvarez, Bryan Casados, Zachary Clemons, Irvin Cortiz, Tiffany Espinosa, Sabrina Flores, Alejandro Garay, Craig Garcia, Alyssa Gauna, Mark Gonzalez, Ricardo Guillen, Jose Gutierrez, Nathalia Herrera, Alejandro Lopez, Andrea Macias, Lizeth Martinez, Nancy Olvera, Raul Paez, Enoch Perez, Jorge Rodriguez, Juan Rodriguez, Ashley Sanchez, Juan Sandoval, Delilah Santos, and Lizbeth Villarreal.