MCISD students roll bowling ball down the lane for a strike

In celebration of Unity Week, and an effort to promote social inclusion through sports training, over 100 Mission CISD Special Olympic Athletes and High School TAFE students (Texas Association of Future Educators) partnered up to participate in a Unified Bowling Day.  The event took place October 25th and 26th at Incredibowl Entertainment Center.


  Special Olympics Texas is leading the way in promoting a Unified Program that creates opportunities for athletes with intellectual disabilities and allows them to team up with people without intellectual disabilities.


   “I’ve really enjoyed connecting with my school’s Special Olympians and having new experiences,” said Amy Chavez, TAFE student.  “They are so sweet!”


  Mission CISD is changing the world by taking part in this initiative and incorporating it in our community.  As a result, students of all ages and abilities have come together to celebrate their unique qualities and create meaningful relationships.


   “I love spending time with our athletes,” said, Maria Davila, TAFE student. “Seeing their reactions when they knock down the pins and giving them a ‘high five’ gives me great joy!”


  Mission CISD will be participating in the Area 1- Special Olympics Bowling Tournament at Incredibowl Entertainment Center November 13th-15th.  TAFE high school students will be there cheering them on and everyone in the community is welcome to join team Mission and support our Special Olympians!
