Mission CISD athletes compete in Special Olympics Powerlifting Competition

The 4th Annual Area 1 Special Olympics Powerlifting Competition was hosted by Mission CISD on December 12th at Mission High School Eagle Gym.  More than 60 athletes from the Rio Grande Valley competed in two different weight classes where they tried do their best in three different categories such as: bench-press, deadlift and squat.


Athletes were extremely excited and pumped up to show off their best effort.  There was a lot of muscle at Mission High School Eagle Gym including all the volunteers who helped run the tournament.   The tournament was very well organized and it was a huge success!


Mission CISD had 9 athletes participating in the tournament and 4 athletes placed in the following categories: Mission High School Athletes: (Joey Bravo, Armando Sanchez, Adrian Rodriguez and Frankie Villanueva).

* Lightweight Division Combo (bench press, deadlift, squat)- Joey Bravo, 3rd Place

* Heavyweight Division Combo (bench press, deadlift, & squat)- Armando Sanchez, 3rd Place


Veterans Memorial High School (Hayleen Pena, Ethan Linares, Nicolas Juarez, Jesus F. Torres, and Hector Sanchez).

* Heavyweight Division Combo (bench press, deadlift, squat)- Hayleen Pena, 1st Place

* Lightweight Division Combo (bench press, deadlift, squat)- Ethan Linares, 2nd Place


A very special thank you to the following individuals who made this event possible: Mission High School Powerlifting Coaches, Christopher Castillo, Eric Mannheimer, and Powerlifting Student Team; Principal, Edilberto Flores; Director of Athletics, Leticia Ibarra; Koy Detmer, MHS Athletic Coordinator; Coach Edna Clemons, MHS Athletic Trainers; Coach Everett Castellano, MHS 18 + staff;  Deanna Vallejo, TAFE Club, Harold Guthrie, Sound System, MHS Maintenance Dept, UTRGV Kinesiology Dept.; Area 1 Special Olympics Staff and Mission CISD Special Olympics Coaches. Thank you for all your hard work! Congratulations Athletes!
