Class reading assignment leads to a community service project

Mission, Texas- What began as a normal reading assignment for fifth graders in Christine Montemayor’s Midkiff Elementary School classroom took a twist the teacher never planned on. At the beginning of the school year, Montemayor had her class begin to read the book “Shiloh”, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. It tells a story about a runaway beagle.

As the class read the story, some of their discussions led to topics of animal rescue groups in the Rio Grande Valley. Then as discussions began to turn toward the holidays and giving back, the class decided they would like to adopt a rescue animal group for the holidays.

The class chose to adopt Yaqui Ranch, a non-profit animal rescue group located in Sullivan City. Over the past several weeks, the students have been bringing in items to donate to Yaqui Ranch. Once they were ready to make the class donation, Montemayor invited representatives to speak to the students about the ranch and to pick up the donated items. Montemayor says the students were ecstatic and humbled to be a part of such a great cause and are learning at a young age the importance of serving and giving back to our community.

Pictured are representatives of Yaqui Ranch along with Christine Montemayor’s class as they made their donation to the ranch.

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