Veterans Memorial High School FFA participated in the Texas FFA State Leadership Career Development for the 10th year. They traveled to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas and Meagan Turrubiates competed in Texas FFA’s Leadership Career Development Events on Friday, November 30, 2018.
She qualified for the state competition in the Greenhand Creed Speaking contest by finishing 1st (Champion) in the Citrus Valley District in one of the state’s 57 district competitions and 2nd (Reserve Champion) in Area X competition. More than 5,113 entries began the statewide-tournament in 13 different events which reflect classroom instruction in basic leadership skills.
At the State Semi-Finals, Meagan placed 10th in her heat. At the beginning of the competitions there were 589 Greenhand Creed Speakers and she ended up in the top 20 in Texas. Veterans Memorial Ag Teachers are Ms. Vanessa Pena, Mr. Fernando Perez and Mr. Ruben Alaniz.
The FFA Creed outlines the FFA organizations beliefs regarding the agriculture industry. The purpose of the FFA Creed LDE is to not only develop the public speaking abilities of 7th, 8th or 9th grade members but also to help preserve the heritage of our organization through competitive performance. The creed contest allows students to begin their speaking career and develop an understanding of the history of FFA and Agriculture.
The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA associations with a membership of more than 123,000 active FFA members. FFA programs teach skills in leadership, career development and personal growth. FFA gives students the opportunity to practically apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences through local, ik,state and national competitions.