Purchases - Exceptions

Produce and Fuel
An exception for produce and fuel allows the District to use any method listed in Texas Educational Code 44.031 for these purchases. 
Professional Services
An exception applies to professional services under the Government Code, Section 2254.003. These services include but are not limited to, professionals such as attorneys, architects, fiscal agents, or licensed medical professionals. Contracts for professional services are not procured through competitive bids. Rather such services are chosen through a process of selection involving the review of professional qualifications. 
Sole Source
See sole source forms.
Emergency Purchases
Emergency purchases are allowed to meet urgent and unexpected requirements where health and public safety or the conservation of public resources is at risk. Though emergency purchases are sometimes exempt from competitive bidding, efforts should be made to obtain the Best Value. Emergency purchases valued over $50,000 must be approved by the Superintendent. Emergency purchases of less than $50,000 must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Finance or the Purchasing Coordinator. When a department needs an emergency purchase, a requisition should be prepared, explaining the reasons for the emergency, and a list of the goods and/or services needed. The end user should provide a recommended vendor who can provide the goods or services when possible.