Vendor Community

Doing Business with Mission CISD


If you are interested in doing business with Mission CISD, follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Vendor Registration – Complete the registration process by accessing the Bonfire Form via this link. Registration is free and easy.
  2. Need Assistance? – If you encounter any challenges during registration, contact Bonfire Interactive Support at [email protected].
  3.      Electronic Bidding Support– For questions about streamlining your electronic bid submissions, reach out to our Purchasing Department at (956) 323-5524.


Once registered, you will be able to:


  • View and download solicitation documents.
  • Submit questions and responses electronically.
  • Receive automatic notifications based on the vendor categories you selected during registration.

Vendor Compliance & Procurement Requirements


Mission CISD is committed to maintaining transparency and compliance in all procurement processes. To engage in business with Mission CISD, vendors must review and adhere to the following requirements:


Required Documentation


Regulatory Policies


For further assistance or inquiries, please contact the Mission CISD Purchasing Department at (956) 323-5524.